Getting HCPs Onboard: How Single-Use Health Reports Fit into Doctors’ Workflows
Patients using pharma programs running on MyTherapy can generate browser-based health reports that are accessible for 15 minutes with a single-use code. Read how this solution helps overcome the obstacle of HCP acceptance that has often hindered the uptake of pharma’s digital patient support programs

- Patients using PSPs running on MyTherapy can generate a single-use code, allowing HCPs to view a detailed health report for 15 minutes within their browser
- The low barrier for use – with no need for additional software or an account necessary – and no local data storage overcome some of the most pressing concerns HCPs have about digital health tools
- Efficient HCP access to patient-generated helps facilitate higher-quality conversations between patients and HCPs, with reliable data helping direct treatment decisions
A lack of HCP acceptance is considered one of the biggest barriers to the success of digital patient support programs by our pharma network. With so many different programs on the market, it is not surprising that HCPs do not have the time or inclination to learn about each and integrate them into their workflow. As a result, HCPs rarely access patient-generated health data that is collected in such patient support programs. Read how our solution involves patients generating single-use codes to give to HCPs, allowing them to temporarily access patient data directly from their browsers.
How Our Single-Use Codes Work for Patients & HCPs
Our pharma partners run patient support programs on MyTherapy, typically designed to support people prescribed a specific medication for a certain chronic disease. Patients input a wealth of data into these programs, including the frequency and time of medication intakes, symptoms and side effects, and measurements such as blood pressure. Patients are often encouraged to take advantage of particular features that are especially relevant to their condition and treatment.
This data is used to generate health reports within the program, which help patients better understand their treatment progress and track topics such as adherence over time. The health report contains graphs and charts based on the data patients have entered, making it easy to identify trends and patterns that form.
This type of information is extremely useful to HCPs in assessing patients’ well-being; however, accessing sensitive health data like this often means HCPs need to use proprietary software or create a secure account to access a dashboard. Given the range of programs on the market and the time pressure HCPs are often under, these solutions fail to achieve HCP adoption.
Our solution allows patients to generate a one-time code that they can give to their HCP. Their HCP simply opens a link and enters the code, giving them a 15-minute window to review the health report. Once the time is up, the data is no longer available and is not stored locally. This approach allows HCPs to access and examine patient-reported data in a convenient manner at a time of their choosing, while also sidestepping concerns many HCPs have regarding data storage and security.
Why HCP Adoption Matters to Patients and Pharma
A lack of HCP adoption is considered one of the biggest barriers to the success of digital patient support, according to respondents to an industry survey we ran last year. While programs can support patients in day-to-day life, the power of patient-generated data to provide greater information to HCPs is a key selling point for digital health tools.
Adherence, symptoms and side effects, well-being, and measurements are some of the key metrics that can give HCPs additional information regarding patients’ treatment progress. Having access to this information prior to an appointment provides HCPs the opportunity to better assess how well the treatment is working, identify possible improvements, and make more informed decisions.
This approach helps make appointments more efficient and effective, with patients not needing to relay this information themselves. It also improves the quality of the information HCPs are receiving, as it is not reliant upon patients remembering weeks’ worth of details.
Combined, these factors encourage conversations between patients and HCPs that are direct, accurate, and focused on the most important topics.
Ultimately, this can improve the quality of interactions taking place between patients and HCPs, drive fact-based decision-making, and improve health outcomes.
For pharma, HCP acceptance of digital patient support programs can play an important role in user uptake – which we consider to be one of the KPIs for any program we run for pharma partners.
Speak to Us About Running Patient Support on MyTherapy
If you want to learn more about running patient support programs on MyTherapy and helping drive better conversations between patients and HCPs with single-use health report codes, click here to book a demo.